Bungee Jump Site Start

If you've
ever considered owning and operating your own bungee jumping site,
Adrenalin Dreams has all the tools you'll need to get started on your
For over twenty-five years, jump site operators worldwide have
relied on Adrenalin Dreams for top quality premium gear, comprehensive
safety training and follow up support services. Working with AD, you'll
find a quality of pleasant professsionalism in an experienced and
knowledgable crew dedicated to
As Priority One.
q u i p m e n t
All Bungee Jumping Equipment manufactured and distributed by Adrenalin
Dreams exceeds rigid industry standards as prescribed by U.S.
regulatory agencies such as The American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), The
Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA) and Pennsylvania
State Government Bungee Jumping Regulations.
Equipment packages are
customized to suit your need and budget. For crane sites, a Jump Basket
Design Drawing is available free of charge with the purchase of any
equipment package.
Equipment Package
a f e t y A n d O p e r a t i o n s T r a
i n i n g
Our experienced, state certified instructors implement a comprehensive
four day program which provides your jump crew with the knowledge and
technical ability to operate safely and efficiently, providing your
customers the peace of mind that your crew has been professionally
View The
AD Safety And Operations Training Program Outline
AD and
one of our Jump Site
Coordinators will be happy to assist you in getting started.